Unlock Your Potential: Discover the Unseen Benefits of Training with a Personal Trainer

It’s really not hard to see how having an expert on human movement, physical development, and general health by your side can be incredibly beneficial to someone trying to lose weight, get fit, or train with a specific goal in mind. When this person is also a natural motivator and someone who can turn your fitness routine into a joy to look forward to, you’ll smash through your goals in no time and develop a lifelong love of staying fit.

While every page on this topic covers things like exercise variety and form (you know, the obvious benefits of training with a personal trainer), today we’d like to take a look at some of the less obvious benefits that you might not have thought about.

Benefits of training with a personal trainer

1. Realistic goals and timelines

‘12 Weeks to the abs of your dreams’, ‘Lose the fat without the work’, and ‘This one exercise for a whole-body workout” is just a small selection of fitness half-truths and whole lies you’ll find plastered over the internet. Unfortunately, many people fall for this clickbait and fork over their hard-earned cash for products or programmes that don’t deliver as promised.

Realistic and achievable goals are critical to the success of any plan, and this most definitely includes plans to improve one’s health and fitness. Personal trainers are arguably the best at helping you determine weight loss or fitness goals and timelines that are realistic, take your personal factors such as health and available time into account, and create individualised plans for reaching those goals.

We cannot stress enough how important this step is in building a better and stronger you. Unrealistic or unachievable goals quickly translate into a lack of motivation, feelings of disappointment, or giving up on exercise altogether. Even just a consultation with a personal trainer can help avoid all of this.

2. Progress tracking and reporting

Personal trainers can help their clients track their progress much better than you can do at home with a scale and measuring tape. In addition to having access to high-tech measurement tools such as 3D body scanners, heart-rate monitors, and nutrition-tracking platforms, they also use advanced metrics and scales to track details like strength gains, recovery times, and even sleep patterns. This sort of detailed tracking can help personal trainers determine their clients’ progress, and the best course of action to take when something is wrong. Very often, they can also advise on consumer-grade fitness tech, such as wearable fitness trackers, smart scales, or sleep trackers, to help their clients get the most out of their expensive equipment.

3. Health, fitness, and dietary education

The journey to fitness doesn’t start and end the moment you walk into or out of the gym. Our habits and hobbies can play a huge role in how fast we reach our goals, and in some cases, might prevent that from happening altogether. Formally educated personal trainers spend years learning about comprehensive and holistic health and fitness. This means they are armed with the knowledge required to reach fitness goals and can help you understand how your lifestyle is affecting your ability to reach them. A trained and experienced personal trainer will advise and educate you on positive changes to make outside the gym, dietary and nutritional matters, sleeping patterns, and other steps that you can take to complement what you’re doing in the gym.

4. Motivation, motivation, motivation

Sticking to a workout or fitness regime is hard, and many fail to keep it going. If your trainer can help you unlock and discover that love and drive for health, you’re significantly more likely to make health and fitness a lifelong priority. Some of the ways that personal trainers keep their clients motivated include:

  • Variety and individualisation – A personal trainer can help you design an exercise routine that is both effective and fun. They can take inspiration from the exercises you like, and suggest new ones to keep your workouts fresh and varied. Updating your workout plan from time to time can help with facing the dread of doing a bunch of exercises you don’t like, but doing them anyway because ‘that’s what the plan says.’
  • Increasing accountability – How many Sunday nights have you thought “I’m DEFINITELY hitting the gym tomorrow morning!”, only to wake up hours after you should have been done working out? Personal trainers work by appointment, and you’re much more likely to get up and go to the gym if there is someone you know and like waiting for you.
  • Overcoming anxiety – Many gym first-timers suffer from genuine anxiety at the idea of going to the gym. They don’t know what to expect, don’t know gym etiquette, or are afraid of doing something embarrassing. A personal trainer can help the inexperienced gym-goer overcome this anxiety by guiding them through every step of the way until they’re confident and experienced enough to go at it alone.
  • Mental health consideration – A significant number of people suffer from mental health or psychological issues that make sticking to a fitness plan more difficult. A good personal trainer will take this into account without judgement, allowing them the space to progress at a sustainable pace and not lose motivation due to unmanageable pressure from their trainer.
  • Social interaction – Personal trainers tend to be very social people who like interacting with others. We wouldn’t be surprised to hear that someone has formed a close personal bond with their trainer and looks forward to seeing them when they go to the gym. If liking your trainer gets you going back time after time, then absolutely build that bond.

5. Individualised support and rehabilitation

Unlike a diet and workout programme that you download from a website, a personal trainer can take your individual needs and requirements into account. This could include accommodations for a specific injury or weakness, and it’s not uncommon to hear that a personal trainer is helping someone rehabilitate from an injury. This sort of professional understanding of anatomy, physiology, and recovery can open up the world of fitness to those who might otherwise find it inaccessible.

For these reasons, and many more not discussed in this article, you should strongly consider training with a personal trainer. As few as a handful of sessions could be just what you need to get a greater understanding of what it will take for you to reach your fitness or health goals, as well as lay the groundwork for getting there.

Personal Trainers at Studio Society

If you’re on the hunt for a trained and experienced personal trainer who can help you reach your fitness goals, look no further than Studio Society. Our team of personal trainers has decades of experience and comes from a wide variety of backgrounds, meaning we’ve got the perfect trainer for your individual needs. Whether you’re absolutely new to exercise, looking for a short-term trainer to reach a specific goal, trying to rehabilitate an injury, or want to try your hand at a specific type of workout or fitness such as martial arts or cross-training, visit our personal trainer page to learn more about our talented fitness partners and get your fitness journey off on the right foot.

Studio Society provides a world-class fitness experience like no other. Our bleeding-edge tech studios provide a unique workout unlike anything you’ve seen or tried before, and our newly opened strength studio is quickly building a reputation for itself as the place in London to reinvent yourself.

Contact Studio Society to learn more about our wide range of group classes, facilities, or to join our community of fitness enthusiasts.